Root Canal Treatment in New Prague, MN

Root Canal Treatment New Prague, MN

What Are The Steps Of A Root Canal Treatment?

When you hear someone mention “root canal treatment,” you probably shudder. This is because a lot of people associate the treatment with extreme pain. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Root canal treatment is recommended to take away a person’s pain. The treatment aims at removing infected material from within the tooth, which is the reason for a severe toothache. Once the treatment is complete, the patient no longer feels pain.

Why Do I Need A Root Canal Treatment?

Before diving into why you would need a root canal treatment, let’s quickly look at the basic structure of a tooth.
The tooth has three parts –

The Outer Enamel

This is the tooth's white portion visible in the mouth. Enamel is the hardest natural substance in the body and is responsible for chewing and tearing food.

The Middle Dentin

The layer underneath the enamel is the dentin. This is a soft, spongy, and yellow layer that supports the enamel.

The Inner Pulp

The structure underneath the dentin is the pulp chamber. It contains the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The pulp is responsible for a tooth’s vitality. The pulp chamber (in the crown) continues into the tooth roots via root canals. When a tooth experiences an injury or infection that affects the pulp, it leads to extreme pain and even tooth death. A root canal treatment is advised to remove the infection and save the natural tooth.

Root Canal Treatment at Dentist New Prague

What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection?

You will experience the following signs and symptoms that indicate the need for a root canal treatment –

Steps of a Root Canal Treatment


Before they begin the treatment, your dentist will take X-rays of the tooth. This helps them assess the pulp chamber's condition and the root canals' shape. They administer novocaine (local anesthesia) to numb the tooth and the surrounding gums. You do not need anesthesia if the tooth is “dead”, however, it helps you relax during the treatment. The next step is isolating the tooth using a rubber dam. This keeps the area dry and free from salivary contamination.

Cleaning The Pulp Chamber and Root Canals

Your dentist drills an access hole in the surface of the tooth. They remove the pulp tissue and decayed material with a series of dental files. The dental files are taken down the length of the root canals to clean them. Your dentist cleans, shapes, and decontaminates the entire area. Sodium hypochlorite flushes away the debris from the canals, decontaminating it.

Sealing The Root Canals

Once clean, your dentist fills and seals the canals with a rubber-like material known as gutta-percha. Some dentists like to wait a week before sealing the canals. They will place a special medication in the canals if there is an infection. They top it off with a temporary filling to prevent saliva and food from spilling into the space.

Restoring the Tooth

A tooth without a pulp receives its nourishment from the ligament attaching the tooth to the bone. A pulp-less tooth is fragile, which is why it requires protection from a crown. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and have a dental crown made. They cement the dental crown into place so the patient can continue using the tooth. Note that until the crown is placed, it is best to avoid chewing or biting down on the treated tooth.

Steps of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment at Dental On First, New Prague, MN

At Dental On First, we understand your hesitation against root canal treatments or dentists in general. But don’t worry – with our dental experts and state-of-the-art tech, we know how to keep you relaxed during your visit.

The alternative to a root canal treatment is usually a tooth extraction. This leads to issues with chewing and speech and also dampens your self-confidence. Additionally, replacing a lost tooth is a more tedious process.
So don’t worry about the procedure being painful – it won’t be. We will discuss your procedure and anesthesia options before we start, so you’re at ease.

But take the first step – visit us for a consult, and we’ll see where we go from there. Call (952) 758-3003 to schedule an appointment. You can also book an appointment through this form.

Root Canal Treatment FAQs

How long does a root canal treatment take?

A root canal treatment usually takes two appointments with your dentist. Some dentists also perform single-sitting root canals. Speak to your dentist to get a clear idea of your situation.

How do I avoid a root canal treatment?

The best way to avoid a root canal is by being diligent with your oral care. Brush twice, floss once a day, and visit your dentist regularly to keep future dental problems at bay..

Root Canal Treatment

To schedule an appointment with our experts, you can call (952) 758-3003. You can also fill in this form.