Periodontal Disease New Prague, MN

Dental on First

What is Periodontal Disease?

The word “periodontal” means around the tooth. And Periodontal Disease, also known as gum disease, is a periodontal infection or an ongoing bacterial infection in the gums & bone around your teeth. The periodontal infection leads to an inflammation under the gums. If you don’t get it treated, the inflammation can destroy the bone around your teeth, which results in tooth loss.
Periodontal infection is the main cause of 75% of adult tooth loss.

More importantly, recent researches have associated periodontal infection with several serious medical problems, including; and diabetes, heart disease, stroke.
When your gums bleed or if you feel intense pain, you know something is wrong. Early diagnosis and treatment help prevent premature tooth loss and preserve your beautiful smile. However, usually, patients don’t notice the symptoms of gum disease. The best way to prevent gum disease is to follow the regular treatment plan from our dentist at Dental on First, including keeping your routine dental appointments.

Why is oral hygiene important?

Adults aged 35 or more lose more teeth to gum diseases (periodontal disease) than to cavities, and 3 out of 4 adults get affected at some time in their life. However, the best way to prevent periodontal disease is by regular tooth brushing and efficient flossing techniques.

Periodontal disease and decay are caused by bacterial plaque, a colorless film that sticks to your teeth at the gum line and forms constantly. But you can remove these germs and help prevent periodontal disease by thorough daily brushing and flossing. Further, Plaque hardens into a rough, porous substance called calculus (or tartar) without daily brushing and flossing.

Several different factors can accelerate periodontal diseases, including





Poor nutrition

Clenching and grinding teeth

Dental Cleaning New Prague, MN

Symptoms of Periodontal Infection

Periodontal infection, such as periodontitis or gingivitis, is painless at the beginning. It starts to pain only after it reaches an advanced stage. However, some symptoms can indicate the presence of periodontal disease, including:

Bleeding gums when brushing or other times

Red or swollen gums

Aching, sore, itchy, or tender gums

Receding gums (teeth beginning to look longer)

Bad breath or Halitosis

Changes in the fit of partial dentures

Separating, loose, or protruding teeth

Changes how your teeth fit together when you bite

Pus between your teeth or gums when you press down the gums

Searching for “Dentist near me?” Immediately contact our office for a periodontal examination if you see these warning signs of periodontal infection, such as periodontitis or gingivitis.

Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease

For all those who worry that they may have developed some form of gum disease, let’s review the following types of gum disease & their symptoms. Then, end your query for “Dentists near me” and schedule an appointment with Dental on First.


Gingivitis is the most common type of gum disease and the earliest stage of periodontitis. Gingivitis is usually the result of plaque that builds up around the edges of your gums. Early warning signs include swollen, irritated, or puffy gums. If left untreated for long, Gingivitis can advance to more advanced and far more serious forms of gum disease, seriously damaging your oral health. If you’re concerned about Gingivitis, get in touch with us and begin your treatment immediately.

Early Periodontitis

Common symptoms of Early Periodontitis include excessive bleeding from the gums and plaque build-up that has spread to below the gumline. Early Periodontitis is caused by a more aggressive build-up of bacteria. It is a more severe form of gum disease that needs to be treated right away. If you have reached this stage, you’ll most likely need to schedule deep cleanings. You may also need to regularly follow it up and potentially have tissue and root therapy.

Advanced Periodontitis

Advanced Periodontitis develops when there’s excessive bacteria, toxins, and plaque build-up. It destroys gum tissue and surrounding bone, which develops pockets between the teeth and gums, where bacteria collect. It then causes the pockets to increase and the gums to recede. With time, the infection will begin to deteriorate the bone. If you have reached this stage, you’ll probably need to schedule advanced treatments, including bone grafting, gingival grafting, and pocket reduction therapy.

Periodontal Infection Treatment: Get it Treated Right Away at Dental on First

When your infection has a burst of activity or worrying signs, it is imperative that you visit our dental office without delay to schedule a comprehensive evaluation. At Dental on First, we’re experts at diagnosing and treating a wide variety of periodontal conditions, from gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) to the more advanced stages of periodontitis (periodontal disease).

Our specially trained dental hygienists are to provide the care needed to treat these conditions. We can provide effective treatment in our conveniently located practices in New Prague and adjacent areas. We may need to determine the treatment necessary to control your periodontal infection and set you on a path toward excellent oral health for severe cases.

How do we treat gum disease?

How our periodontist treats you mainly depends on the stage of your infection. It’ll also depend on the amount of deterioration involving your gums, teeth, supporting tissues, and bone.

You no longer have to look for a “dentist near me” as our periodontist will discuss everything from reviewing your Digital X-rays and performing a thorough periodontal exam to your treatment options.

They’ll also explain what happens During and after the procedure:

  • The number of dental office visits required for treatment
  • What to do after the treatment as your gums heal
  • How to avoid gum disease after treatment is complete?

Non-Surgical Treatment

Scaling and Root planing is the most famous type of non-surgical treatment. This under-the-gum procedure involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the tooth roots. During this procedure, our dental team will remove harmful bacteria and irritants from deep beneath your gums. This will eventually prevent plaque from accumulating again.

Surgical Treatment

Our periodontists at Dental on First may perform periodontal surgery to eliminate bone infections or regenerate lost bone.

The most common surgical treatments include:

Pocket Reduction

We will first apply a local anesthetic during this procedure and then fold the gum tissue back to expose deeper tissues. We may also need to smoothen irregular surfaces of the damaged bone to reveal otherwise hidden areas of bacteria. Then, we finally remove harmful bacteria, essentially closing and suturing gum tissue in place.

Bone Regeneration

We will again apply a local anesthetic during this procedure and then fold the gum tissue back to expose deeper tissues. Then disease-causing bacteria are removed. We can use bone grafts, membranes, or tissue-stimulating proteins to encourage your body’s natural ability to regenerate bone & tissue, along with reversing some of the damage of gum disease.

Further, our dental team will reshape excess gum and bone tissues to expose more of the natural tooth. We can do this to one tooth (to even out the gum line) or several teeth (to expose your natural, broad smile). Finally, the gum tissue is closed and sutured in place. 

Maintenance: Preventing Gum Disease

If the plaque is not removed from your teeth within 24 hours, it turns into calculus (tartar)! Routine cleaning will help control plaque and tartar development, but those difficult-to-reach locations usually require additional attention.

As soon as your periodontal treatment is finished, our dental experts suggest that you receive regular maintenance cleanings or periodontal cleanings, generally four times per year.

Plaque and calculus are hard for you to remove every day. No worries, we’ll remove it from above and below the gum line. Also, we will very carefully inspect the pocket depths at these cleaning appointments to ensure that they are healthy.

Besides your periodontal cleaning and assessment, your visit to Dental on First, your dentist near me will typically include:

Assessment of diagnostic x-rays (radiographs):

Essential for recognizing tumors, decay, cysts, and bone tissue loss. Additionally, Dental X-rays help figure out tooth and root position

Assessment of enamel decay:

Examine all enamel areas for decay.

Oral cancer assessment:

Check out the face, throat, mouth, tongue, neck, cheek areas, and gum tissue for almost any indications of oral cancer.

Teeth polishing:

eliminate stain and plaque, which is not usually destroyed during tooth cleaning and scaling.

Examination of present restorations:

Inspect existing fillings, crowns, among others.

Oral hygiene recommendations:

Evaluation and recommend dental hygiene aids and tips as required. (Electrical toothbrushes, fluorides, rinses, special periodontal brushes, among others) Periodontal disease shouldn’t be the reason behind you losing your teeth. More importantly, regular periodontal examinations are essential for maintaining your health and the health of your smile. And by practicing good oral hygiene, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting a periodontal infection ever again.

Eat a balanced diet, and remember to brush regularly, clean between your teeth, and schedule regular dental visits with Dental on First to help keep your smile healthy.

Call for an appointment at Dental on First or come in for a consultation from the best and most trusted dentist in New Prague to learn more about Periodontal Disease.