In This Article
ToggleIf there is an infection in your tooth or your tooth is dying, your gums will begin to decay, you need to know about root canal treatment steps. A root canal dentist specifically works in diagnosing, treating, & preventing injuries and diseases of the dental pulp of a tooth.
What is a Root Canal Treatment?
A root canal treatment is a simple process. Your root canal dentist removes a diseased or injured pulp tissue from your tooth during the treatment, which can relieve tooth pain. With the help of a root canal treatment, you can also get rid of bacteria that could cause further damage not only to your tooth but also to the rest of your body.
What are Root Canal Treatment Steps?
A root canal treatment steps include operating microscope and sophisticated tools to repair tissues inside a tooth. You lie in a comfortable chair on your back and receive local anesthesia that numbs the inside of your mouth for comforting you during root canal surgery.
During root canal treatment, your root canal dentist:
- Place a dental dam with a tiny tarp over your tooth, isolating the affected area to protect your mouth from infections.
- Access the pulp tissue of your affected tooth from the top or behind.
- Take out the damaged or diseased pulp tissue.
- Cleans & disinfects the area inside a tooth.
- Finally, it fills and seals the tooth.
Who is a Root Canal Treatment Dentist?
A root canal dentist is extremely skilled and has higher training and experience than usual dentists. These root canal dentists go to graduate schools after passing dental school for advanced training for two to three years. This extra education focuses on performing endodontic procedures like the dental pulp of teeth to help prevent diseases and injuries, performing surgeries and dental implant procedures, and many more. They also use much more advanced equipment, a higher rate of success with their treatments, and manage pain issues in patients with more ease.
Signs You Need to Seek a Root Canal Treatment
Do you need a root canal treatment? What are the major symptoms that a root canal treatment is an answer to your tooth pain?
Since root canal treatments aren’t that scary for people anymore, there’s no need to be afraid of being honest with the root canal dentist. It is important to inform your root canal dentist about any following symptoms.
1. Severe Pain
Any unpleasant pain in your mouth should be mentioned to your root canal dentist, as some specific types of pain may signify root canal pain. If you are experiencing spontaneous pain that hits you like a wave, you are likely to have a dead or an infected tooth that may need a root canal treatment. And if there are certain positions in which your gums or tooth hurt even worse, this may also be root canal pain.
2. Bumps on the Gums
If you notice frequent pimple-like bumps on your gums known as a fistula, this could be a symptom of an infected tooth needing a root canal treatment.
3. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold
Normal sensitivity to hot and cold does not need a root canal treatment. But people who experience the sensitivity and pain from the hot and cold lingers long after the drink or food require a root canal treatment.
4. Swollen Gums
If you notice your gums are swollen, it may be a sign of an infected tooth, and sometimes you can have inflamed gums after flossing or brushing too hard, but this is different. When the swollen gums are tender and a bit painful to the touch and remain swollen, you need a root canal dentist.
5. Chipped or Cracked tooth
A two-fold symptom of a tooth that may need a root canal is a chipped or cracked tooth. People who have trauma on the tooth that created the chip or crack and has now caused inflamed or infected pulp should rush to a root canal dentist for a root canal treatment. If you delay, the tooth may be so far decayed or infected that it is cracked or chipped from being dead. Both ways, you’ll likely need a root canal treatment to try to save the remainder of the tooth.
6. Tender Gums
You may have root canal pain if your gums are tender to the touch or even without touch. When at the root canal dentist, be sure to mention your tender gums.
7. An Abscess
Something that is seen on an x-ray as a dark spot is an abscess. An abscess is basically a hole in the jawbone because the bone has stopped growing around an infection. Your root canal dentist must let you know if you have an abscess in your tooth during your regular appointment and x-rays.
Recovery After Root Canal Treatment
Experiencing minor discomfort after the first few days of root canal treatment is not a big deal. Root canal pain is normal to experience for a bit, but if it extends beyond a week or so, you should contact a good root canal dentist.
To best protect your tooth after the root canal treatment, you should get a crown to go on top of your tooth.
Root Canal Treatment at Dental on First Can Save Your Tooth
The only way to tell that you require a root canal treatment is by going to a root canal dentist. Today’s root canal treatment steps are standardized, and dentists at Dental on First can remove all of your infected pulp and replace it with a rubbery filling. Choosing the best root canal dentist to do this procedure is necessary to increase your faster healing time. Contacting a root canal dentist if you suffer from tooth pain is important.
So, don’t put your tooth and your health at risk & schedule an appointment with a root canal dentist at Dental on First soon. Contact us on 952-758-3003 or as we provide the best dental services in MN, USA.